Thursday, 26 April 2018

Etika & Profesionalisme "Profesi Pada IT Pada Level Kelompok 2"

Sebutkan deskripsi dari tugas dari salah satu profesi IT pada kelompok 2. Buat pada blog anda, sertakan gambar-gambar yang sesuai dengan pekerjaannya!
Jawab  :

Kelompok kedua adalah mereka yang bergelut di bidang perangkat keras (hardware). Pada lingkungan kelompok ini, terdapat pekerjaan-pekerjaan seperti :
ü  Technical engineer
sering juga disebut teknisi, yaitu orang yang berkecimpung dalam bidang teknik, baik mengenai pemeliharaan maupun perbaikan perangkat sistem komputer.
ü  Networking engineer
adalah orang yang berkecimpung dalam bidang teknis jaringan komputer dari maintenance sampai pada troubleshooting-nya.

Deskripsi profesi Networking engineer :
Profesi network engineer adalah salah satu profesi yang cukup diminati karena salah satu profesi IT dengan panghasilan yang lumayan. Network engineer bertanggungjawab untuk memasang dan mendukung komunikasi jaringan komputer dalam organisasi atau antar organisasi. Tujuannya adalah untuk memastikan operasi yang lancar dari jaringan komunikasi untuk menyediakan performanceyang maksimum dan ketersediaan untuk user (staff, client, customer, supplier, dan lain-lain). Jenjang karir profesi ini cukup jelas dan umumnya IT management dijabat oleh orang-orang yang berlatar belakang networking engineer, pada umumnya mereka memegang sertifikat CCNA, CCNP ataupun CCIE. Dengan memegang sertifikat ini, skill mereka dapat diakui secara internasional dan memudahkan dalam memperoleh pekerjaan di negara lain.

Tugas Networking engineer :
1.       Mendesain dan membangun infrastruktur jaringan baik LAN maupun WAN
2.       Memberikan solusi terbaik dalam hal infrastruktur jaringan baik dalam hal peralatan yang digunakan, efisiensi, reliability, security dan aspek-aspek lain yang terkait
3.       Memastikan suatu infrastruktur jaringan computer dapat berfungsi dengan baik.

Keahlian yang diperlukan :
1.       Menguasai konsep dasar mengenai jaringan seperti topologi, protokol-protokol komunikasi, standar-standar networking, media komunikasi data dan keamanan jaringan baik LAN maupun WAN
2.       Menguasai konsep dan desain infrastruktur jaringan dan troubleshooting-nya
3.       Menguasai desain, instalasi dan terminasi media jaringan seperti kabel tembaga/UTP, fiber optic, Wireless communication dll
4.       Menguasai setting, pemanfaatan dan troubleshooting perangkat jaringan seperti router, switch, firewall, proxy, modem dll
5.       Memahami instalasi dan setting PC dan server yang bisa digunakan dalam infrastruktur jaringan seperti domain controller, proxy, filrewall, mailserver dll
6.       Menguasai secara teknis dan praktis mengenai keamanan jaringan / sistem.

Gambar-gambar yang sesuai dengan pekerjaannya :

Etika & Profesionalisme "Sikap Profesionalisme Dengan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi"

Berikan contoh dari sikap profesionalisme yang berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan teknologi sistem informasi baik sebagai pengguna maupun sebagai pembuat. Buat pada blog anda, sertakan gambar-gambar yang sesuai dengan pekerjaannya!

Jawab  :

Contoh ciri – ciri profesionalisme di bidang IT adalah :
a.       Keterampilan yang berdasar pada pengetahuan teoretis
Profesional diasumsikan mempunyai pengetahuan teoretis yang ekstensif dan memiliki keterampilan yang berdasar pada pengetahuan tersebut dan bisa diterapkan dalam praktek.
b.        Asosiasi profesional
Profesi biasanya memiliki badan yang diorganisasi oleh para anggotanya, yang dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan status para anggotanya. Organisasi profesi tersebut biasanya memiliki persyaratan khusus untuk menjadi anggotanya.
c.       Pendidikan yang ekstensif
Profesi yang prestisius biasanya memerlukan pendidikan yang lama dalam jenjang pendidikan tinggi.
d.       Ujian kompetensi
Sebelum memasuki organisasi profesional, biasanya ada persyaratan untuk lulus dari suatu tes yang menguji terutama pengetahuan teoretis.
e.       Pelatihan institutional
Selain ujian, juga biasanya dipersyaratkan untuk mengikuti pelatihan istitusional dimana calon profesional mendapatkan pengalaman praktis sebelum menjadi anggota penuh organisasi. Peningkatan keterampilan melalui pengembangan profesional juga dipersyaratkan.
f.        Lisensi
Profesi menetapkan syarat pendaftaran dan proses sertifikasi sehingga hanya mereka yang memiliki lisensi bisa dianggap bisa dipercaya.
g.       Otonomi kerja
Profesional cenderung mengendalikan kerja dan pengetahuan teoretis mereka agar terhindar adanya intervensi dari luar.
h.        Kode etik
Organisasi profesi biasanya memiliki kode etik bagi para anggotanya dan prosedur pendisiplinan bagi mereka yang melanggar aturan.
i.          Mengatur diri
Organisasi profesi harus bisa mengatur organisasinya sendiri tanpa campur tangan pemerintah. Profesional diatur oleh mereka yang lebih senior, praktisi yang dihormati, atau mereka yang berkualifikasi paling tinggi.
j.         Layanan publik dan altruisme
Diperolehnya penghasilan dari kerja profesinya dapat dipertahankan selama berkaitan dengan kebutuhan publik, seperti layanan dokter berkontribusi terhadap kesehatan masyarakat.
k.        Status dan imbalan yang tinggi
Profesi yang paling sukses akan meraih status yang tinggi, prestise, dan imbalan yang layak bagi para anggotanya. Hal tersebut bisa dianggap sebagai pengakuan terhadap layanan yang mereka berikan bagi masyarakat.

Gambar-gambar yang sesuai dengan pekerjaannya :

Sofskill Inggris 2 : "Subject Verb Agreement"


Verb-in parentheses
1.       John, along with twenty friends, (is/are) planning a party.
2.       The picture of the soldiers (bring/ brings) back many memories.
3.       The quality of these recordings (is/ are) not very good.
4.       If the duties of these officers (is’nt/ aren’t) reduced, there will not be enough time to finish time to finish the project.
5.       The effects of cigarette smoking (have/ has) been proven to be extremely  harmful.
6.       The use of credit cards in place of cash (have/ has) increased rapidly in recent years.
7.       Advertisements on television (is/ are) becoming more competitive than ever before.
8.       Living expenses in this country, as well sa in many others. (is/ are) at an all-time high.
9.       Mr. Jones, accompanied by several members of the committee (have/ has) proposed some changes of the rules.
10.   The levels of intoxication (very/ varies) from subject to subject.
Verb in the sentence
1.       Neither Bill nor Mary (is/ are) going to the play tonight.
2.       Anything (is/are) better than going to another movie tonight.
3.       Skating (is/ are) becoming more popular everyday.
4.       A number of reporters (was/were) at the conference yesterday.
5.       Everybody who (has/ have ) a fever must go home immediatly.
6.       Your glasses (was/ were) on the burcau last night.
7.       There (was/ were) some people at the meeting last night.
8.       The committee (has/have) already reach a decision.
9.       A pair of jeans (was/ were) in the washing machine this morning.
10.   Each student (has/ have) answered the first three questions.
11.   Euther John or his wife (make/ makes) breakfast each morning.
12.   After she had perused the material, the socretary decided that everything (was/ were) in order.
13.   The crowd at the basketball game (was/ were) wild with excitement.
14.   A pack of wild dogs (has/ have) frightened all the ducks away.
15.   The jury (is/ are) trying to reach decision.
16.   The army (has/ have) climinated this section of the training test.
17.   The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter (is/ are) appalling.
18.   There (has/ have) been too many interruptions in this class.
19.   Every elementary school teacher (has/ have) to take this examination.
20.   Neither Jill nor her parents (has/ have) seen this movie before.

Softskill Inggris 2 : "Diagnostic Test & Problem With Pronounce"

1.      Nothing will ever come between (a. we / b. us) old friends.
Nothing will ever come between (b. us) old friends.

2.      Elly thinks that (a. she / b. her) and Jane can make us fight.
Elly thinks that (a. she) and Jane can make us fight.

3.      But what could break us up after all you and (a. I / have been through?
But what could break us up after all you and (a. I)have been through?

4.      The police say that Mazie and (a. they / b.them) can find the tools.
The police say that Mazie and (a. they / b.them) can find the tools.

5.      Mazie told Jorge and (a. I / b. me) about the search.
Mazie told Jorge and (a. I / b. me) about the search.

6.      Jorge has gone off looking for some of (a. they / b. them).
Jorge has gone off looking for some of (b. them).

7.      Some of these idea are completely new to Irene and (a. she / b. her).
Some of these idea are completely new to Irene and (b. her).

8.      Biff expects that his brothers and (a. he / b. him) can keep the store open while their father is gone.
Biff expects that his brothers and(a. he) can keep the store open while their father is gone.

9.      Their father has taught his wife and (a. they / b. them) most of the details.
Their father has taught his wife and (b. them) most of the details.

10.  People say that (a. we / b. us) young people are better educated than our parents are.
People say that (a. we) young people are better educated than our parents are.

11.  People who grew up fifty years ago usually went to small schools (a. his or her / b. their) own neighborhoods.
People who grew up fifty years ago usually went to small schools (b. their) own neighborhoods.

12.  Now our school board plans (a. its / b. their) programs for big merged schools.
Now our school board plans (b. their) programs for big merged schools.

13.  A woman who works still has the main responsibility for (a. her / b. their) household.
A woman who works still has the main responsibility for (a. her) household.

14.  Many todays husbands are less liberated than (a. his / b. their) wives.
Many todays husbands are less liberated than (b. their) wives.

15.  An ordinary person who goes into politics may have a hard time remembering what (a. his or her / b. their) motives were after a few years.
An ordinary person who goes into politics may have a hard time remembering what (a. his or her)motives were after a few years.

16.  A farmer in this area doesn’t have to worry about the rain spoilling (a. his or her / b.their) hay.
A farmer in this area doesn’t have to worry about the rain spoilling(a. his or her) hay.

17.  Everybody I know around here walks around with (a. his or her / b. their) headphones on all the time
Everybody I know around here walks around with (b. their) headphones on all the time

18.  People ought to realize that (a. he or she / b. they) might need to hear the sounds of traffic sometimes.
People ought to realize that (b. they) might need to hear the sounds of traffic sometimes.

19.  In anyone’s life, a time comes when (a. he or she / b. they) must make a difficult  choice.
In anyone’s life, a time comes when (b. they) must make a difficult  choice.

20.  One can’t avoid (a. his or her / b. their) basic responsibilities.
One can’t avoid (a. his or her) basic responsibilities.

21.  Most of them have (a. his or her / b. their) own umbrellas.
Most of them have (b. their) own umbrellas.

22.  Neither of the women wants to take (a. her / b. their) car all that way.
Neither of the women wants to take (b. their) car all that way.


In the paragraph below, some of the underlined pronouns are correct and some are not. After each underlined pronoun is a number. If the pronoun it marks is correct, mark C by the corresponding number in the list below the passage. If the pronoun it marks is incorrect, mark I beside the number in the list.

Memory treats people differently according to their personalities. For Jerry and me, it smooths over the rocky spots of our past, and makes us feel as if us two have lived charned lives. But it works differently for someone who expects thing to go perfectly for them all the time. My parents are like that. Their friends and them are always complaining about how things ought to have been. Everyone in their crowd acts as if life has cheated them. Mom and dad even talked that way during the big anniversary party jerry and me threw for his parents and they.

I'm just the opposite. For instance, I can remember the fact of someone who once loaned me their bike when I needed to get home fast for some emergency, but I can't remember what the emergency was all about. When people tell me their recollections of various events in my life, I'm always amazed at how my mind simply refuses to hold on to the unpleasant parts. But everybody has her own memory quirks. If a person wants to keep all the facts of their life straight, she should keep a daily journal. Even then, what the person writes in a journal at the end of 2-day depends on their memory, which is already busy rearranging the details. Nobody can expect to control her memory completely. If I can't control mine, I'm glad it does out pleasant images for me instead of the dismal kind my parents have to live with for the rest of their lives.

1.       C
2.       C
3.       I
4.       C
5.       C
6.       C
7.       I
8.       I
9.       I
10.   C
11.   I
12.   C
13.   I
14.   C
15.   I
16.   C